
Books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers. Newest first.

  1. Cho, MJ., Lee, B, Min, J., Saakes, D.P. Sketching in virtual reality for rapid and situated idea generation In KSDS Fall Conference 2015. Accepted.
  2. Lee, B., Sleeswijk Visser, F., Saakes, D.P. Online User Reviews as a Design Resource In proceedings of the International Assocations of Societies of Design Resarch (IASDR) 2015.
  3. Post, R., Saakes, D.P., Hekkert, P.P.M. A Design Research Methodology using 3D-Printed Modular Designs to Study the Aesthetic Appreciation of Form and Material DesForM 2015. Accepted.
  4. Shin H-S (Felix), Lee, B., Saakes, D.P. TagRadar: Locating Objects Using a Smart Phone Accessory Proceedings of The 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication (Demo)
  5. Jeong, H., Saakes, D.P., Lee, U., I-Eng: An Interactive Toy for Second Language Learning Proceedings of The 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication (Demo) [pdf][poster]
  6. Saakes, D.P., Yeo HS., Noh, S-T., Han, G., Woo, W.Mirror Mirror: An On-Body Clothing Design System SIGGRAPH '15: Studio Installation Accepted.
  7. Saakes, D.P., Yeo HS., Noh, S-T., Han, G., Woo, W. Mirror Mirror: An On-Body Clothing Design System SIGGRAPH '15: Talks Accepted.
  8. Nam, TJ., Saakes, D.P. An Industrial Designer’s Perspective on Future Makers in Critical Alternatives 2015 workshop: The Future of Making: Where Industrial and Personal Fabrication Meet. Accepted.
  9. Withana, A., Koyama, S., Saakes, D.P., Minamizawa, K., Inami, M., Nanayakkara, S. RippleTouch: Initial Exploration of a Wave Resonant Based Full Body Haptic Interface. Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference, March 9-11 2015, pp. 61-68
  10. Visch, V.T., Tan, E.S.H., Saakes, D.P. Viewers’ knowledge: Application of exposure-based lay user knowledge in genre specific animation production International Journal of Design. 9(1), April 2015 [pdf]
  11. Saakes, D.P. 모든 사람이 디자인에 참여하는 세상에서 디자인은 우리의 일상이 될 것이다. In Van Abel, B., ed. 오픈 디자인(Open Design Now) 누구도 독점하지 않는 디자인 누구나 할 수 있는 디자인, Ahn Graphics, Seoul, 2015.
  12. Verlinden, J., Saakes, D.P., Luxen, R. Learning from the trenches of embodiment design The designing, prototyping, and fabricating a large interactive display Archives of Design Research., KSDS, 28(3) August 2015.
  13. Chia, F-Y, Saakes, D.P. Interactive Training Chopsticks to improve fine motor skills Proceeding of the 11th Advancements in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference, November 2014, Bronze demo award
  14. Back, S.Y., Min, J., Saakes, D.P. Personalizing 3D Printing through rich textures.KSDS 2014 Undergraduate Design Research Conference., October 2014, Second Best Price
  15. Lee, B, Saakes, D.P. User Review Analysis: Extracting Design Factors from Big Data Proceeding of the 1st Bi-annual Design Conference of Korea Society of Design Science, May 2014, pp. 222-223
  16. Saakes, D.P., Choudhary, V., Sakamoto, D., Inami, M., Igarashi, T., A Teleoperating Interface for Ground Vehicles using Autonomous Flying Cameras. In ICAT 2013: The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Dec 2013. Best Paper Award
  17. Naemura, T.,Kakehi, Y.,Yoshida, S.,Fukushima, S.,Koizumi, N.,Takei, S.,Hashida T.,Saakes, D.P.. Harmonized Inter-Personal Display Project. In ICAT 2013: The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Dec 2013.
  18. Saakes, D.P., Tsujii, T., Nishimura, K. Hashida, T., Naemura, T., Photochromic Carpet: Playful Floor Canvas with Color-changing Footprints. In ACE 2013: 10th international conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment technology. Creative Showcase, Nov 2013.
  19. Saakes, D.P., Cambazard, T., Mitani, J. and Igarashi, T., PacCAM: Material Capture and Interactive 2D Packing for Efficient Material Usage on CNC Cutting Machines. UIST 2013: Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, pp 441-446, Oct 2013.
  20. Saakes, D.P., Iterative and Participative Action Research. In IASDR 2013, August 2013.
  21. Saakes, D.P., Koyama, S., Inami, M. and Igarashi, T., Shader Printer Robot: rewritable graphics on everyday objects in the living room. In ROBOMEC 2013, May 2013.
  22. Saakes, D.P., Inami, M., Igarashi, T., Koizumi, N. and Raskar, R.,
    Shader Printer. In SIGGRAPH 2012 emerging technologies: Proceedings of the 39th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, August 2012.
  23. Saakes, D.P. Opportunities for the new designers, challenges for the old designers. In Van Abel, B., ed. Open Design Now, BIS publishers, Amsterdam, pp 223, 2010.
  24. Saakes, D.P., Chui, K., Hutchison, T., Buczyk, B.M., Koizumi, N., Inami, M. and Raskar, R.,
    Slow Display. In SIGGRAPH 2010 emerging technologies: Proceedings of the 37th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, July 2010.
  25. Saakes, D.P. Shape Does Matter. designing materials in products. Lulu publishers, 2010.
  26. Saakes, D.P. Big Lampan Lamps: designing for DIY. In Proceeding of the Seventh ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition pp 403-404, October 2009.
  27. Saakes, D.P. and Stappers, P.J. A tangible design tool for sketching materials in products. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM), 23(3), pp 275-287, August 2009.
  28. Saakes, D.P. and Lugt, R. Material Design Workshop. In Proceedings of the 3rd conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), August 2009.
  29. Saakes, D.P. and Aprile, W. Sketching graphics on products: an enactive approach. In proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, pp 19-21, November 2008.
  30. Saakes, D.P. Big Lamps from IKEA LAMPAN Lamps. In The Best of Instructables Volume I: Do-It-Yourself Projects from the World's Biggest Show & Tell pp 4, October 2008.
  31. Saakes, D.P. and Lugt, R. Relight my Model: New Media in Ideation Workshops. In Proceedings of the 2nd conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), October 2007.
  32. Stappers, P.J., Saakes, D.P., Helm, A. and Pasman, G. New media tools to support design conceptualization. In Proceedings of Euromedia, pp 5-15, April 2007.
  33. Boess, S., Saakes, D.P. and Hummels, C. When is role playing really experiential?: case studies. In Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction, pp 279-282, 2007.
  34. Saakes, D.P. On Computer Graphics for Product Designers. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 3(1-4), pp 315-322, August 2006.
  35. Saakes, D.P. Material light : exploring expressive materials. Personal and Ubiquitous Comp., 10(1), pp 144-147, February 2006.
  36. Saakes, D.P. Exploring Materials: New Media in Design Tools. In proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of design research: Drawing new territories, pp 109-123, 2006.
  37. Saakes, D.P. and Keller, A.I Beam me down Scotty: to the virtual and back!. In Proceedings of the conference designing pleasurable products and interfaces (DPPI), pp 482-483, October 2005.
  38. Rompay, T., Hekkert, P., Saakes, D. and Russo, B. Grounding abstract object characteristics in embodied interactions. Acta Psychologica, 119(3), pp 315-351, July 2005.
  39. Saakes, D.P. Material Shuffle. In Proceedings of 3AD Third International Conference on Appliance Design, June 2005.
  40. Bennett, K.B., Flach, J.M., Stappers, P.J. and Saakes, D.P. Searching for meaning in complex databases: An ecological perspective. In Proctor, R. and Vu, K.L. ed. Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design, Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Mahwah, N.J, pp 408-423, 2005.
  41. Umemuro, H., Saakes, D.P., Hoeben, A., Stappers, P.J. and Ono, M. Optic flow backgrounds: using ergomotion perception to support navigation in a 3D computer world. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design Conference, pp 1-7, October 2003.
  42. Song, Y., Vergeest, J.S.M. and Saakes, D.P. Parameter-driven Freeform Deformations. In Proceeding of Euro Graphics, short presentations, pp 301-308, September 2003.
  43. Saakes, D.P. and Stappers, P.J. Designing Architectural Walkthroughs: From Simulations to Presentations by Visualising Narrative Transitions. International Journal of Design Computing, 4, May 2002.
  44. Stappers, P.J., Saakes, D.P. and Adriaanse, J. On the Narrative Structure of Virtual Reality Walkthroughs: An Analysis and Proposed Design. In CAAD futures, pp 125-138, July 2001.